Tuesday, March 1, 2011


For a long time, I knew I had a desire to help people. Through my journey, I have experienced good and bad. There is nothing I would want to erase from my experiences, they have added to what I have bocome.

We often find ourselves stuck in our past hurts and that delays our growth. We cry over what happened, what should have happened and why is it not happening.

When I started writing, I was very disturbed by the things that were happening in my relationship. My employer had a wellness competition for the best article themed “Love Yourself” I entered that competition and I won two tickets to Mangwanani Spa.

From that moment writing became a lifestyle. I am sure you will ask yourself, why I am sharing this with you, it’s because “I am encouraging you to find your purpose and to live in it”. It does not mean I am a finished product, I am in my journey.

Workplaces: hospitals, government departments are packed with people who are unfulfilled, you know why? They are misaligned. My friend, "do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life”.

I had a prayer I prayed and still praying to this day. “If you can use anything Lord, use me” Help me find my purpose. When good and bad things are happening in my life, I believe it is aligned to my purpose. It comes only to add to my life  lessons and  help me to grow. I believe purpose is in everything we are, do and say. When we put our core values into play through how we make our choices, that’s purpose.

This is a challenge to all of us: “Live a purpose driven life” We are all in our journey, there is more that God has deposited in us and it must be unleashed. Let the giants be awakened!

First Lady has spoken 

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Create a Life You Love by Changing

The power of change lies in all of us.At the same time, though, striking out in a new direction is a very scary thing. Most people find it more comfortable to stay in the same routine, simply because it is familiar.

You don't have to stay trapped in the same old routine.
Unexpected changes happen in everyone's life and it is up to you to decide whether you will accept or embrace these changes as being new challenges or think of them as roadblocks thrown up in your life. You have the power to decide how you will view things - the power to change your perspective and approach.

We can learn a lot from setbacks that we face. They are
opportunities for learning. And we will appreciate success more
fully when it comes because there were some bumps in the road,
and we grew because of them.
