Friday, November 20, 2009

You are connected

 You are connected!

I could not be selfish and not share this with you, a couple of days myself and my sister were phoning our friends and sharing a very powerful piece, and that was fulfilling to us. Continue reading with understanding.

A robot was knocked by a truck and there was something amazing in it while it was facing down and very close to the floor.While the other robot opposite it is on caution, it would also be on caution, when it is open for traffic to proceed the same happened to the robot facing down. Isn't that amazing? What was funny is that we all focus our attention on the robot that is upright not the one facing down.

In life there are people who are like that robot that was hit by a truck. The robot facing down kept on responding to the traffic.I mean it was still connected and there was power.

Are you going through challenges? whatever it is, you are bigger than it, you are a winner! you can overcome it!

You are like that robot connected and full of power.Whatever it is you are facing today, can be resolved. My friend let me tell you, what is important is that you are still connected, not to the things of the world but to your creator. When everybody is looking at those who are standing, those who are making it, worry not cause you are connected, it is only that not everybody can see it.

There is a possibility that when it is time for the robot to be fixed, new material will be used to make it stronger than before and will never be broken again. There is a possibility that when a truck hit that robot again that truck will be damaged and the robot will only have scratches and require only to be painted after the incident. You are powerful beyond measure and you are a winner. There is a champion in you.

No matter how hard life has been,keep your head up. Remember you are connected!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Being free

Human beings are freeborn, this simply means that we are not born in slavery but with the power or right to act, speak, and think freely. Very few people understand what freedom means!

Freedom does not only have to be expected from external environment, it is also internal. South Africans and other countries in the world fought for freedom and there are still continuing with the fight. It is amazing that there are those who have freedom right on the faces but they are conditioned by oppression mentality and victim mentality.
Lets think about the freedom that those in prison are wishing for, freedom that an abused women is longing for, freedom that a hospitalised young person want, freedom from poverty, freedom that a drug addict needs, freedom that we all deserve as human beings.

Freedom starts with YOU. Free yourself from worries, guilt, fear, unforgiveness, and negative thoughts.
During my conversation with people I often hear them say “I don’t know what to do”. Let me tell you, there is something you can do. You have a CHOICE. If you don’t do something about your situation, it is still a choice. Not to do anything about it!

Free yourself from everything that does not benefit you. You have been blessed with all the equipment which is a mind to think, two hands to work and two eyes to see opportunities where no one else sees them. God gave to all. BE WISE!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Which voice sounds the loudest?

Which sounds the loudest to you?
  • is it a cry of a new born?
  • could it be a sound of a buses,taxis and trucks during traffic? or a train in motion and a plane passing?
  • or is it a sound of a 21 gun shot during a funeral of a policeman?
  • maybe masses toyi, toying in the streets of Johannesburg?
  • somebody can say ' my neighbours are very loud people'
  • or could it be a sound of Chiefs and Pirates fans at a soccer field?
  • and to some it can be sounds of horses racing at a Durban July event?
All the voices and sound are there but they cannot make us or break us. We got to look beyond what we see and hear. There is a lot of voices in the world, and there are different sounds. We have animals that have different cry, lifestyle and stature. If a lion can bark , that will be a shock to the whole world.As people we need to be able to focus on our goal and dreams. When we do that we able to hear other sounds and voices and that teaches us to appreciate it more and not stress about it.

If there is one voice that we should listen to is the 'inner voice'. It sounds louder than the rest. It is God given and it pushes us closer to the main goal. Viva Inner Voice Viva!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Obsession about celebrities

I ask myself why is there so much obsession on celebrities. We tend to focus on their achievement rather than learning from the obstacles  they faced towards succeeding,and how they won the battle. Every celebrity had to start somewhere. They had their downfalls.

I always pass a joke and say to people  we are all celebrities. Some look at me with shock. The difference between us and  them is that they appear on television, magazines and we listen to them on radio.  What makes us clebrities is our uniqueness. As a twin, I could speak like my sister, walk like her but  I will never be her. 

Celebrities are human, we went to school with them, we used to stand at the corners with them, we went to church with them, we even shared and rented flats with them. They were our neighbours and still are. 

We identify too much with them to a point where we loose ourselves in the process. That leads to obsession.We are all born unique and different. There is nothing wrong with being a fan, seeing a celebritiy as a mentor, but you cannot be that person. All you can do is learn from celebrities and move on.

STOP shadowing celebrities, Live your life. You are an ORIGIONAL born to CREATE!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Prepare for war!

Being in the world means war. Are you prepared to fight? Do you know why the fight? Any idea of what you are fighting for? Do you believe that you can win?

What many people are doing is just fighting. There are those who are fighting but they do not know why they fight. There are those who want to fight but the do not have weapons. Prepare for war. You cannot go for war without  a weapon or the right weapon!

Weapons needed to win in the world:-

  • In the world today you need a weapon called faith
  • You need a weapon called self belief
  • You need a weapon called knowledge
  • You need a weapon called confidence
  • You need a weapon called embracing change
  • You need aweapon called moving on
  • You need a weapon called creativity
  • You need a weapon called focus
  • You need a weapon called courage
  • You need a weapon called love
  • You need aweapon called persevearance
  • You need a weapon called patience
  • You need a weapon called networking
  • You need to understand your environment so that you choose the right weapon
Having said all this you choose which weapon will work during the war. If you are not prepared for war you are simply accepting defeat without fighting.

Winning is not for cowards!!      
The secret is in preparation!!

BT Molote

Friday, September 25, 2009

Potential is what we all have!

Motivation is an intrinsic response, it comes from the inside and cannot be imposed from the outside. Motivation comes from wanting to do something from one's own free will. If you are free you can choose to do something.

Dr John Tibane define potential as " energy waiting to be released"

Dictionary definition :-



a. possible but not yet actual: potential buyers

b. capable of being or becoming; latent: potential danger

We must have VISION TO SEE our potential, this means that potential must be discovered

And FAITH TO BELIEVE that we can; it will be in vain not to believe in your dream, own it and publisize it!
Then COURAGE TO ACT with conviction, this means that we need to develop the potential we already have.  Be passionate about your dream. Know the in's and out's of it.

To become what GOD MEANT us to be! this means that we should demonstrate what we are capable of , understand our ablity and know our grounds.
The world is waiting for your energy to be released. Generations are waiting to read about a legacy you had created.


Life is fair

Life is sweet

Life is worth living

Life must be understood

Life not lived is a wasted sperm

Life without challenges is like a day without a night

Life not experienced is like playing soccer at a tennis cord

Living without a purpose is like telling a new born baby about South African history

Live your life NOW!


Relationships that are based on love not material have a strong foundation

Relationships that have respect,love and hope have a chance of lasting for eternity

Relationships that operate without a plan do not have a future

Relationships that doesnt have trust never survive

Relationships that doesnt have open communication go down the drain

Relationships that are God fearing are blessed

Relationships that have JESUS as a leader always excel.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Well being?

If we should ask single unemployed women what well being means, I think all of us would guess her answer “A little food” and “A little security” But that is not the end of the story. As soon as we satisfy our basic needs and the euphoria of the celebration has faded away, we discover that there is still something wrong, we feel a lack, we feel dissatisfaction.

Well being is the ability to balance between work, families, health, and social relationship, psychological and spiritual life. There is no “one size fits all” balance. The right balance for me today may be different tomorrow. The right balance when I am single will be different when I get married or have children and lastly the right balance will be different when I start a new career versus when I am near retirement.

Well being means pride, satisfaction, joy, celebration, love and a sense of belonging.

Well being is about establishing your priorities, examining them and setting boundaries. Only you can restore the equilibrium to your life style.

Take small steps to BIG changes. Your well being is your responsibility. Do it now, do it again, it’s never too late. U can!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What is a Woman?

A woman is a beautifier, whatever she touches turn to gold and is blessed
A woman is a forgiver, she knows that God forgives us all our sins therefore she should forgive those who trespass against her

A woman is a multiplier,with R100 note in her purse she can sustain her family for some time
A woman is an innovator, she doesn’t just celebrate birthdays, she celebrates “rebirth days”

A woman is a creator, she never forgets that she is created in God’s image. She is in God and God is in her, now she has the power to create
A woman is a leader, she focuses on the vision, and she asks what could be? She align things, and motivate those around her
A women is a pioneer, she fosters a pioneering culture because she believes nothing is impossible


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Background Information

We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past। We have past but they do not determine where are going. We have pasts but they do not define us. We have pasts but the should not be on our way. We have pasts but they should remain in the past. We have pasts but they will never be our future. Can we live the past in the past? Remember we have the power of choice! Do not live out of your history , live out of your creative mind


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Developing Positive Beliefs

Developing Positive Beliefs
There really isn’t a downside to believing in yourself and believing the best about others. You may not achieve your original goal and might get burned, but you’ll be better off than if you’d assumed the worst from the start. Believing you will succeed will also make you happier. Although it may be partly delusion, the same is true of the failure belief. You have to believe in something, why not believe that your hard work is contributing to something positive? Why not believe that your biggest dreams are possible?
When you lose confidence and dwell on failure, you come up with even more facts to add to the failure list, strengthening the failure belief. When you choose to believe in success, positive facts emerge. The belief you choose to accept will become stronger over time through this pattern of self reinforcement.
Consciously remind yourself of the positive and allow the negative to roll off your back.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Love yourself

Do you love yourself? Take a few moments and ponder this question carefully and soulfully. Are you guilty of giving up your own time for the sake of friends and family? Or perhaps more importantly, are you guilty of giving up the pursuit of your dreams for the sake of others? Millions of people are caught-up in this vicious cycle. The good news is that you can change, reverse this pattern, and move from a vicious cycle to a loving circle.
It all starts with you. You are the centre of your ‘circle of love’. The primary focus is how you live your daily life: Is it developing your capacity to love yourself so that you may better love those around you? It all depends on you. Increase the love you give yourself on a daily basis. Be kind and love yourself. Start doing things for yourself. Loving yourself can create love in your life, this is how:
Support yourself and start loving your negatives:Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and family, allow them to help you. Release the old negative patterns. Asking for help when you need it is a strength.
Take care of your body:Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and respect the temple that is your body.
Mirror work:Look into your own eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself while looking into the mirror and then also talk to those who have hurt you. Forgive them, too. At least once a day, say to yourself: “I love you, I really love you”.
Make more money:Think about your strengths. What are your talents? If your talents lie in the kitchen, you can make some delicious dishes or sandwiches with interesting fillings. Give those around you a preview - if they like it, they can order from you.
Loving yourself starts now. Don’t wait until you get well, lose the weight, get the new job, or find a new relationship. Your life today is not a dress rehearsal for another life you will have later. Live it with love now.

Create a Life You Love by Changing

The power of change lies in all of us.At the same time, though, striking out in a new direction is a very scary thing. Most people find it more comfortable to stay in the same routine, simply because it is familiar.

You don't have to stay trapped in the same old routine.
Unexpected changes happen in everyone's life and it is up to you to decide whether you will accept or embrace these changes as being new challenges or think of them as roadblocks thrown up in your life. You have the power to decide how you will view things - the power to change your perspective and approach.

We can learn a lot from setbacks that we face. They are
opportunities for learning. And we will appreciate success more
fully when it comes because there were some bumps in the road,
and we grew because of them.
