Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Your mind is your biggest asset

Our minds can work for us and with us to help us reach our goals. Once we unlock the keys our minds hold we have the opportunity to do the following:

·       Learn to override the fears of failure and not being good enough. To let go of social phobias and the hold of limiting beliefs.
·       Discover talents and gifts we were given and how we can develop them.
·       Learn how to spot new opportunities to develop personal growth and learn new skills.
·       Develop a sense of purpose and direction. Learn the value of your life in this world and what a difference your new life can make.
·       Become someone who loves to face a challenge and then meet it, and overcome it. You will discover the fun in conquering the mountains of challenge in your life and not taking he status quo as an acceptable standard anymore.
·       Learn the benefits of a balanced life where your physical, emotional, spiritual and financial health lives in harmony with each other and you feel fulfilled and satisfied with your life.
By investing in time to unlock your own potential, you have the opportunity to discover all that you were created to be. Part of that is identifying what your purpose is. To do that you need to first look at what makes you feel passionate.

A life lived with passion is a life lived fully.

Tumi " First Lady" Molote

Create a Life You Love by Changing

The power of change lies in all of us.At the same time, though, striking out in a new direction is a very scary thing. Most people find it more comfortable to stay in the same routine, simply because it is familiar.

You don't have to stay trapped in the same old routine.
Unexpected changes happen in everyone's life and it is up to you to decide whether you will accept or embrace these changes as being new challenges or think of them as roadblocks thrown up in your life. You have the power to decide how you will view things - the power to change your perspective and approach.

We can learn a lot from setbacks that we face. They are
opportunities for learning. And we will appreciate success more
fully when it comes because there were some bumps in the road,
and we grew because of them.
