Sunday, October 25, 2009

Being free

Human beings are freeborn, this simply means that we are not born in slavery but with the power or right to act, speak, and think freely. Very few people understand what freedom means!

Freedom does not only have to be expected from external environment, it is also internal. South Africans and other countries in the world fought for freedom and there are still continuing with the fight. It is amazing that there are those who have freedom right on the faces but they are conditioned by oppression mentality and victim mentality.
Lets think about the freedom that those in prison are wishing for, freedom that an abused women is longing for, freedom that a hospitalised young person want, freedom from poverty, freedom that a drug addict needs, freedom that we all deserve as human beings.

Freedom starts with YOU. Free yourself from worries, guilt, fear, unforgiveness, and negative thoughts.
During my conversation with people I often hear them say “I don’t know what to do”. Let me tell you, there is something you can do. You have a CHOICE. If you don’t do something about your situation, it is still a choice. Not to do anything about it!

Free yourself from everything that does not benefit you. You have been blessed with all the equipment which is a mind to think, two hands to work and two eyes to see opportunities where no one else sees them. God gave to all. BE WISE!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Which voice sounds the loudest?

Which sounds the loudest to you?
  • is it a cry of a new born?
  • could it be a sound of a buses,taxis and trucks during traffic? or a train in motion and a plane passing?
  • or is it a sound of a 21 gun shot during a funeral of a policeman?
  • maybe masses toyi, toying in the streets of Johannesburg?
  • somebody can say ' my neighbours are very loud people'
  • or could it be a sound of Chiefs and Pirates fans at a soccer field?
  • and to some it can be sounds of horses racing at a Durban July event?
All the voices and sound are there but they cannot make us or break us. We got to look beyond what we see and hear. There is a lot of voices in the world, and there are different sounds. We have animals that have different cry, lifestyle and stature. If a lion can bark , that will be a shock to the whole world.As people we need to be able to focus on our goal and dreams. When we do that we able to hear other sounds and voices and that teaches us to appreciate it more and not stress about it.

If there is one voice that we should listen to is the 'inner voice'. It sounds louder than the rest. It is God given and it pushes us closer to the main goal. Viva Inner Voice Viva!!!

Create a Life You Love by Changing

The power of change lies in all of us.At the same time, though, striking out in a new direction is a very scary thing. Most people find it more comfortable to stay in the same routine, simply because it is familiar.

You don't have to stay trapped in the same old routine.
Unexpected changes happen in everyone's life and it is up to you to decide whether you will accept or embrace these changes as being new challenges or think of them as roadblocks thrown up in your life. You have the power to decide how you will view things - the power to change your perspective and approach.

We can learn a lot from setbacks that we face. They are
opportunities for learning. And we will appreciate success more
fully when it comes because there were some bumps in the road,
and we grew because of them.
