Sunday, February 14, 2010

There is No Try, Only Do!

There is No Try, Only Do!

We often think of failure as the inability to accomplish a certain objective. We give it our best shot and the results are less than favourable. We’ve failed. Ah, but does that have to be the end of the story? ONLY if we stop trying after we experience the less than favourable results.

Do yourself a favour and change your definition of failure right now. Here is a new definition of failure:

Not having a plan, not working a plan, and giving up too soon.
In the history of achievers, there was an attempt to do it again and again. If you have “failed” at anything in the past, be honest with yourself: How many times did you try? Did you give it a heartfelt effort and then give up when it seemed too hard? Did you let yourself become intimidated by challenge, or disempowered by negative comments from friends and colleagues?

Though you may believe that it was out of your hands, it is important to understand something.

You made a choice to fail

You gave up. You stopped trying. It doesn’t matter what the reason were, even though they may have seemed perfectly logical at the time. The fact is, you allowed external conditions erode your motivation and determination, and you threw in a towel.
If you made the choice to fail, you can also make a choice to succeed

With the right attitude, focused action steps and a solemn vow to never give up, success will be yours. Don’t approach your goals with an attitude of “try” only an attitude of DO!

“Trying” means you are not going to give it your all. “Doing” means that failure is not an option.

This is your life and you must decide that there is no going back, no giving up, no giving in – NO MATTER WHAT!


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Create a Life You Love by Changing

The power of change lies in all of us.At the same time, though, striking out in a new direction is a very scary thing. Most people find it more comfortable to stay in the same routine, simply because it is familiar.

You don't have to stay trapped in the same old routine.
Unexpected changes happen in everyone's life and it is up to you to decide whether you will accept or embrace these changes as being new challenges or think of them as roadblocks thrown up in your life. You have the power to decide how you will view things - the power to change your perspective and approach.

We can learn a lot from setbacks that we face. They are
opportunities for learning. And we will appreciate success more
fully when it comes because there were some bumps in the road,
and we grew because of them.
